Do Horses Keep Snakes Away? No! (So, What can you do?)

Horses can come across snakes in different ways. When they are on a trail, a snake might simply be crossing their path. Out in the pasture, a horse might step on a hidden snake. And snake could make its way into a barn or stable.

In such scenarios, it’s interesting to know how horses react. Do horses keep snakes away? Or do they ignore the snake? Or do they freak out and bolt?

Knowing the answers to these questions will help you deal with a snake problem if you have one. Read on!

Why Are Snakes a Problem?

Snakes can be a problem for many reasons. First, they can frighten horses. This is especially true if the horse has never seen a snake before or if the snake is large. A spooked horse can bolt, and that puts both the horse and rider in danger.

If a snake shows up in the horse’s stable, this too could be a risk. A horse might kick at the snake or trample it, injuring itself in the process. Or the snake might make sudden movements which the horse could interpret as a threat. A spooked horse could end up hurting itself even when the snake posed no threat to the horse.

Do Horses Keep Snakes Away
(Image Source)

Second, snakes can bite horses. A snake bite can be extremely painful for a horse and can even be deadly. Snake bites usually occur on a horse’s legs or face. Bites on the face are common when the horse is grazing and the snake is hidden in long grass. If the snake is venomous, the horse could have a reaction to the venom and go into shock.

Do Horses Keep Snakes Away?

Coming to the main question of this article – do horses keep snakes away? The short answer is: No.

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that horses keep snakes away. In fact, there have been several studies that show that horses do not react to snakes in a way that would deter them from entering an area. After all, snakes are not a horse’s natural predator and so horses are not afraid of snakes.

When you are out on a ride with your horse there is less to worry about because a snake will likely avoid you and your horse. But if you’re in an area with tall grass or thick underbrush, be alert for snakes.

What scares horses are a snake’s sudden and illogical movement. Horses are skittish by nature and do not like sudden movements and they may interpret a snake’s sudden movement as a threat. Having said that, horses do not really do anything specific to keep snakes at bay.

What Precautions Can You Take To Keep Snakes Away?

Since horses by themselves do not keep snakes away, it falls on you, the horse owner, to take precautions. Here are some measures you can take:

First, you should be aware of the types of snakes that are common in your area. This will help you identify a snake if your horse comes across one. Also, check with other horse owners in your area or even a horse owner’s association to see how they deal with snakes.

Second, you should do your best to keep your horse’s environment clean. This will help deter snakes from taking up residence near your horse.

Third, you can purchase a snake-proof fence. This will create a barrier between your horse and any snakes that might be in the area. While this is not always a foolproof solution, it adds another barrier between your horse and a snake.

Fourth, you can train your horse to be calm around snakes. This will help reduce the risk of your horse being bitten if it does come across a snake. If a horse realizes that in most cases a snake is no direct danger and a snake’s strange movements are not a threat, the horse will learn to ignore the snake and each can go about its own business.

The Bottom Line

The answer to the question – do horses keep snakes away – is, unfortunately, No. Horses have no ability to keep snakes away. And snakes are versatile enough to find their way into a horse’s pasture or stable.

However, in most cases, a snake poses no threat to a horse. A snake will only bite if it feels threatened. This can be if the horse is grazing in tall grass and the snake is hidden or if the horse steps on the snake.

You can (and should) take precautions to keep snakes away from your horse’s stable, especially if you live or have your farm/ranch in an area known for having snakes.